Advanced Arterial Imaging is a service company. No investment is required to offer this test to your patients. There is no need to purchase additional equipment or train additional staff.
AAI provides the following services to your office:
Your Office Provides:
Unsurpassed Quality
AAI’s technicians are trained to the highest standards using prescribed training methodologies. Each element of potential variability is measured through strict protocols and tested regularly. This calibration and standardization is completed at regular intervals so you don’t need to worry about the consistency or reproducibility of your patient’s test results. Our highly trained specialists can be scheduled at your convenience, at your office. You receive the results for each patient within days of the scan.
Covered Expense:
Many major insurance carriers and Medicare are currently reimbursing some or all of the cost for this critical test in at-risk patient populations. The test is much more specific and predictive of heart attack, stroke, and myocardial infarction than are many more expensive tests. The exam is recommended by the American Heart Association for adults over 45, and the software has received FDA clearance .
Have a question about the services we provide? Call us at
214-734-4084 or Contact us for more information
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